It’s crazy how our mind can play with itself. Everyone has done a fair share of bad things in their life, consciously or otherwise, and sometimes that self-guilt within us can be vicious. The voices in our head get so loud sometimes that the constant cacophony of them overwhelms us with our own emotions and make us overthink every little thing and question everything.
I was in my bed at 11:00 P.M. on Saturday. I was reading a romance novel. It was like any other casual Saturday, but I wasn’t aware even the slightest about the forthcoming. I had an astonishing dream that night, which was also a life-changing moment for me. For you all to understand the context of the dream, allow me to tell a bit about myself and other people who are concerned.
My name is Sebastian Ashford and I belong to a wealthy British Family residing in Clinton, New Jersey. I am currently Seventeen and I attend school at Clinton high school. Blakely Draper is the girl I have been in love with since childhood. She moved to Clinton when we were nine years old. We have been attending the same school and have been friends since. We were each other’s best friends, and we had a great time together.
All the happy and good memories got ruined, as I fell in love with her. We had our fair share of complications, but we still decided to be friends through it all. It was terrific, just being friends with her, but the other way was something I’d have never chosen, until recently when I realised the bitter truth.
I was still reading the book when I made a little glance at the clock, and it was almost half an hour left to midnight. I felt exhausted and closed the book. I kept the novel on the side table. Then I pulled the lamp switch and the room was dark now. I laid down in a comfortable position and I fell asleep shortly.
The dream kicked in somewhere in the middle of the night. Although at that time a part of me knew it was a dream. I remember most of it, but a few details are blurred in my mind.
I remember when it began, I was at the school prom. A semi-fast song was being played by the DJ. Blakeley and her boyfriend were dancing on the stage. Blakeley was wearing a Lavender-colored A-line dress. I was sitting on a couch not far away from the stage with my buddy, Samuel.
Blakeley and her boyfriend stopped dancing and started walking toward the corner of the stage. “I’ll be back in a while Sam. “I said. Then I stood up from the couch and started walking toward Blakeley . I went over to her and politely asked- “May I have this dance?” Blakeley waved to her boyfriend to move along. “Of course.” She replied.
I held my right hand up in the air. She held my hand with her right hand and then we ascended towards the center of the stage while dancing together. I moved my other hand to the front and held her waist softly, while she held her hand on the back of my shoulder.
We had a conversation as we danced, and that is something whoso details are blurred in my head. I can’t recall any part of that conversation but what I do remember is the last part of it. In the end, just before we stopped dancing. “Are you happy? Blakeley ” I asked in a slow tone. We both suddenly stood still with our hands on each other’s bodies. Blakeley became silent for the next minute. That minute was the most silent moment in my life. It felt as if the world had stopped and the silence resembled peace. “I am Happy,” Blakeley replied after a minute, breaking that peace-like silence, and after a few seconds We both took our hands off and I smiled slightly. I grabbed Blakeley by her head and moved my lips toward her fore head and kissed her on her forehead. The only thing I remember after that was leaving through the hall’s main entrance.
As soon I walked out through those doors, I woke up as I walked into the real world out of the world of sleeping.
I concluded that the dream was a sign of that I am ready to move on.